
Peppermint Bark

Peppermint bark is the epitome of the holiday season, perfect for a snack on a cold wintery day… or anytime you are craving it. Which for me, is becoming increasingly often… Anyway, while I was back home with my family I decided to make peppermint bark since it’s easy and painless and tastes wonderful. Peppermint is definitely coming back into action early this year. It’s “the new pumpkin” in my apartment and, well, that says A LOT.  
Here is the recipe:

12 oz dark chocolate (I used Ghirardelli 60% cacao)
12 oz white chocolate (I used Ghirardelli white chocolate)
About 7-8 candy canes
1. Start melting the dark chocolate over a double broiler or simply a glass bowl over boiled water. Start on low heat, you do not want to seize the chocolate (this happens a lot back at home…)
2. While the dark chocolate continues to melt, line a cookie sheet with foil. When the chocolate is finished, pour it over the foil covered cookie sheet. The shape doesn’t matter too much, but try to smooth it out into a long rectangle about 1/8 inch thick. Place in refrigerator to cool.
3. Next, place the candy canes into a food processor and pulse a couple times until small chunks of candy cane are still visible.  Separate the fine powder/small chunks from the chunkiest parts of the candy cane into 2 bowls.
4. Start melting the white chocolate over very low heat. White chocolate requires the lowest heat (about 80 degrees) to melt out of milk chocolate and dark chocolate, so be very careful not to burn it. When it is completely melted, quickly stir in the fine powder/small chunks of candy cane. Pour over dark chocolate and spread with a spatula.
5. Sprinkle the larger chunks of candy cane that you put aside over the sheet of bark. Let sit in the refrigerator to cool. Serve by breaking the bark by hand into different sized pieces, or however you’d like. 
And there you go! Deliciously sweet and minty peppermint bark - always a classic for the holidays. Make this peppermint bark and I guarantee it will disappear by the end of the day… just like mine did.
xoxo, A 

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