
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Here is my first baking post with pictures! I decided to make Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. Posted are a couple step-by-step photos (even though making cookies is pretty simple, it’s fun to look at photos!) 
The first photo is just the ingredients spread out in my new KitchenAid mixing bowls!! (Thanks, Mom <3) I added 1 cup of Old-Fashioned Quick Oats to a standard Chocolate Chip cookie recipe. Adding oats to any cookie recipe adds texture and makes the cookies thicker. You can add oats to any cookie recipe just made sure they aren’t instant oats because those types tend to have added sugars and flavors. 
In the third photo after the dough has been mixed together, I spread the cookie dough balls about 1.5 inches apart on top of parchment paper. I like making the cookie dough balls smaller because you get more cookies to share and the cookies are fun to eat when they are smaller! Plus you can eat more and not feel so guilty… kinda. Anyway, I love using parchment paper, the clean up is SO easy and the cookies don’t awkwardly stick to any baking pans. 
After the cookies were done baking (8 minutes in the oven), I placed them on cooling racks. The cookies are the perfect texture and I baked them just right. Slightly gooey on the inside, but still holds form and a little hardness on the outside. 
xoxo, A

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