
Homemade Pop-Tarts

I made these pop-tarts over the summer when I was back home in California, so I decided to make them again since it’s been a while. This recipe is also from Joanne Chang’s Flour Cookbook - it’s a very easy and delicious recipe! The pastries are perfectly cripsy, flaky and buttery. I suggest rolling out the dough thinner than you want because the dough will rise slightly while baking in the oven - you don’t want super thick pop-tarts that will over-power the filling! 
For the fillings I chose a pear jam that I bought at a farmers market over the weekend, along with a cinnamon sugar mixture. Three pop-tarts filled with pear jam and three filled with cinnamon sugar. 
The pop-tarts turned out amazing - every time I make these they turn out even better than the last time! 
Here is the recipe:
Pâte Brisée (the dough): makes about 18 oz dough, enough for about 6-7 pop-tarts.
  • 1 3/4 C unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbl sugar
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 C (2 sticks) cold unsalted butter, cut into 12 pieces (I cut mine and put it in the freezing right up until I used the butter - the colder the better!)
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 tbl cold milk

    1. Mix together flour, sugar and salt in a large bowl. With a hand mixer or a stand mixer, scatter cold butter over the flour mixture and mix on low speed for about 1 minute (until the flour is no longer white and butter clumps are size of pecans throughout.
    2. In a small bowl, mix together the egg yolks and milk until blended. Add to flour mixture. Mix on low speed for about 30 seconds (until dough barely comes together). It won’t look too pretty - it will look like a mess rather than a dough.
    3. Dump dough on unfloured work surface and gather into tight mound. Start smearing dough with your hand so the butter chunks are smeared into the dough and you start to see some streaks of butter in the dough.
    4. Now, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and flatten into a large disk, about 1 inch thick. Refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours before baking into pop tarts. 
Making the Pop-tarts:
1. After the dough has been refrigerated for 3-4 hours, you are now ready to roll out the dough. Cut the dough in half roll out the dough into a big sheet and score into rectangles. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
2. With 1 egg slightly beaten, lightly brush the entire surface.
3. Start spooning the jam of your choice into the center of the rectangles. You may now cover by folding over the dough which is right next to your jam spoonful, or you may cover the dough with the other half of the dough, rolled out. 
4. Cover the jam mound whichever way, and press down on the sides around the jam pocket. Be gentle of the jam will spill out and create a huge mess! 
5. Now using a knife, cut and separate the pop-tarts and score the ends with the end of a fork. Separate the pop-tarts onto a baking sheet. 
6. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes, or until the tops of the pop-tarts are slightly golden brown. 
Simple Vanilla Glaze: makes about 1/2 C
  • 1 C confectioners’ sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbl water
  • Sprinkles of your choice
    1. While the pop-tarts are cooling, mix together confectioners’ sugar, vanilla and water. 
    2. Pour over pop-tarts after they have cooled and sprinkle with sprinkles!
    3. Let sit for about 10 minutes. 
Voila! Yummy home-made pop-tarts. Perfect for breakfast on-the-go, or just a snack during the day. None of this store bought business, make them at home yourself! It’s more fun and garaunteed they will taste better! You can mix and match the fillings with pretty much anything. Previously, I’ve done a Nutella filling (to die for) and a strawberry jam filling (always a winner). Anything you want, I know you will love these delicious, flaky pastries!
xoxo, A

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